Subject [IBO] Re: Default Session or Connection in DLL
Author lalopus
Thanks Geoff and Roger for your answers; I am able to use the
connection now, but I'm still having problems when calling
FreeLibrary(MyDllHandle). I don't know what else to do, the flow I'm
using is something like:
EXE: On Create logs in the DB and loads DLL
EXE: Button that calls DLL procedure passes the dbHandle
DLL: Creates MyForm that contains a TIBODatabase, and assigns its
dbHandleShared := EXEConnectiondbHandle
DLL: Shows the form, etc... user Closes the form
EXE: IBODatabase.Close
EXE: FreeLibrary
DLL: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: DLLDatabase.dbHandleShared := nil
DLL: MyForm.Release
and then it crashes; as far as my trace could go this happened after
the IB_Session unit finalization, but I'm not sure about what caused
the error.

Is something missing???


--- In, Geoff Worboys <geoff@t...> wrote:
> > I'm having some problems with this. I could actually "force"
> > my connection in the DLL by :
> > IBOQuery1.IB_Session.DefaultSession.DefaultConnection := DB;
> I found the following in the IBO Online FAQ but searching for
> the "DLL Issues" keyword.
> - - -
> When trying to share a connection DON'T try to share the reference
> the IB_Connection component. Give every DLL its own TIB_Connection
> simply share the connection handle between them. Use the dbHandle
> property and assign the value from it to the dbHandleShared
> of the TIB_Connection components in the DLL instances. Use whatever
> means you want to pass the value, since it is just a simple
> One vital point: close the TIB_Connection in the EXE before you
> terminate or destroy the DLL calls. Releasing the DLL resources
> you close the TIB_Connection can cause some messy problems at
> termination!
> - - -
> --
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing