Subject caption on IB_NavigationBar
Author Ettienne du Plessis
hi all

is it possible to add a caption and custom hints to any of the bars. I see
that the buttons are inherited from TPpeedbutton but i can't see where these
specific properties are surfaced. We Are using IBO3

Ettienne du Plessis
Senior Analyst
First National Battery CO (PTY) LTD
Tel : +27 11 741-3600
Fax : +27 11 421-2739
Web :

-----Original Message-----
From: Svein Erling Tysvaer
Sent: 29 April 2003 11:18
Subject: Re: [IBO] IBO and Unicode

I don't think you can use unicode characters for table or field names, but
it should be possible to enter unicode information within the fields if the
database and table was created with UNICODE_FSS. My guess is that this
question is more appropriate for ib-support, since I doubt it is specific
for IBO. Show us how the database and table was created (extract the DDL),
and I'm sure someone can tell you what's wrong.


At 01:22 29.04.2003 +0000, you wrote:
>How can i enable support of unicode in IBO ?
>i have below component
>TIB_Connection.Charset = UNICODE_FSS
>TNT UnicodeControl
>but i still can not enter Unicode character.
>Thanks a lot.

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