Subject RE: [IBO] Problem with IB_LookupCombo
Author Norman Dunbar
Hi Alan,

No it wasn't a typo - I deliberately put it there to make sure that people
were paying attention. :o)

Ok, then, I admit, it was a typo - thanks for pointing it out. Lookup Combos
are hard enough without me making it worse !


Norman Dunbar
Database/Unix administrator
Lynx Financial Systems Ltd.
Tel: 0113 289 6265
Fax: 0113 289 3146

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan McDonald [mailto:alan@...]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Problem with IB_LookupCombo


>Set the TIB_LookupCombo's KeySource to the 'main' dataset - the one which
>has a code field for which you wish to show the description. (qryMain in my

Typo I think - LookupCombos don;t have Keysource - it's the query


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