Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Patch release IBO 4.2Ic
Author Luiz

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marco Menardi" <mmenaz@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2003 10:32 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re: Patch release IBO 4.2Ic

> Very good.
> I've two bugs with patch sent many times to Jason about IB_ComboBox
> but was never rejected nor included.
> The same for a trivial improvements (bugfix?) in the IB_Text text
> positioning if border/bevel is defined.
> I'm feeling more and more disheartened :(
> What can it be?

With all respect, I'd like to remember the tib_lookupcombo problem, during
dropdown, showing insufficient width to show records, issuing scrollbars
horizontal and vertical to appear unnecessarily.
