Subject RE: [IBO] Column ordering
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa
Is the GridLinks deleted even on FormCloseQuery event? The form should exists then with all his data. But GridLinks=NULL if in FormShow event I didn't give hime any value

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

>But there is still on problem.
>If I set the columns ordering, and user reorders them, I can get the the
>order at the closing my form. That's fine.
>BUT, if I dont set the orders specifically (I use the defualt values),
>then I can't get the new orders at the end. I can reorder them as much I
>like, but when closing the form , the GridLinks property is empty.

By the time the form is closed, the linking between the dataset fields and
the GridLinks is gone. It is ONLY a display-time override and it only
affects *that* grid. GridLinks doesn't change the dataset properties.

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