Subject Encryption of data
Author Ólafur Guðmundsson
Hi Helen, do you have a suggestion on this?

I'm going to implement encryption of my data so that it will not be readable
to the sysdba on database level.

I'm using TIB_Transaction, TIB_Datasource, TIB_Query and a TIB_RichEdit

I would like to do the encryp. in my app so it will be sent encry. to the

Where / in what event do I encrypt the data and where do I decrypt back the
data before it will show in the RichEdit control ?

Can you help me with that?

Olafur Gudmundsson

Ólafur Guðmundsson
Sími 540-5510
Netfang og@...
Verðbréfaskráning Íslands
Laugaveg 182 5. Hæð
105 Reykjavík