Subject Re: [IBO] Encryption of data
Author Helen Borrie
At 10:53 AM 26/02/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi Helen, do you have a suggestion on this?
>I'm going to implement encryption of my data so that it will not be readable
>to the sysdba on database level.
>I'm using TIB_Transaction, TIB_Datasource, TIB_Query and a TIB_RichEdit
>I would like to do the encryp. in my app so it will be sent encry. to the
>Where / in what event do I encrypt the data and where do I decrypt back the
>data before it will show in the RichEdit control ?
>Can you help me with that?

From own experience? no. I haven't done it.

But I assume you will need to do something along these lines: map
calculated fields for each of your encrypted data fields and hide the data
fields. AFAIK, the encryption routine should take place in the
OnCalculateField event (which needs to refer to the Row object); duplicate
the decrypted data into non-data-aware fields for editing; provide
parameterised xxxxSQL statements for all DML operations, calling SPs to
perform the ops; and perform the encryption in BeforePost by encrypting
the values from the non-data-aware controls into the params of stored
