Subject incorrect values within sqlda structure
Author Franky Brandt

I'm doing tests to go from Ib 5.6 to ib 6.01, the applications are built
in Delphi 7 using ibo 4.2.I
While testing the applications on the converted database, which is in
dialect 3 now i get the error 'incorrect values within sqlda structure'
when i do a Insert on a query.
There are no oninsert or onnewrecord events.
The error doesn't occur if i connect to the ib 5.6 server, dialect 1 and
also doesn't occur when i use a converted to ib6 database on dialect 1.
The sql of the T_IBQuery is simple: SELECT * FROM PLANNINGSITEMS where
PL_DATUM=:dag for update
One parameter which is a TimeStamp.
First i suspected the 'dag' parameter since there's a difference in
Date; Time & TimeStamp types between ib 5.6 & ib 6 but then the error
would occur when i open the query too i think and it doesn't.

Any ideas?
