Subject Re: [IBO] EIBO_ISCError - ISC ERROR CODE:335544569 ?
Author Kadee
I know if I compile the app on WinXP,and run
the EXE on WINXP,then everything will be fine.
But my situation is
the app compile on Win 2000 Delphi 5.0 ent. then
send the EXE to WINXP to run.

Dose anyone meet the situation like this?


--- In, "Joseph Osende" <osendej@y...>
> Hi.
> I'm using :
> P4 2.4GHz, 1 GB Ram, Windows 2003 server enterprise FR,
Firebird 1.03
> IbExpert Trial Version (2003 11 06)
> Using the sql editor, the statement :
> select current_timestamp as TheTimeStamp from rdb$database;
> yielded the following result :
> 14/12/2003 16:53:03
> Using Delphi 7 enterprise and IBO 4.2Hd, I dropped a TIB_Dsql
> component, at design time, assigned a value to the IB_connection and
> ib_transaction
> as instructed by Helen, and everything worked fine when attached to
> on_click event of a button :
> with ib_DSQL1 do
> begin
> with sql do
> begin
> clear ;
> add('select current_timestamp as TheTimeStamp from
> end; // with
> if not prepared then prepare ;
> execute ;
> showMessage( formatdatetime( 'hh:mm:ss dd-mm-yyyy',
> Fields[0].AsDateTime ));
> end; // with
> Hth,
> J.