Subject Re: [IBO] FB 1.5 Database Alias with IBObjects
Author Daniel Rail

At December 9, 2003, 11:02, sllimr7139 wrote:

> Can someone tell me how I can use the Aliases from FB1.5 with
> IBObjects?

> I know how to set them up on the server but I can't seem to figure out
> how to get the IBObects components to work using my alias name.

> I'm certain I've read somewhere that Jason supports it, but I can't
> find any reference for how to set it up on this group or otherwise.

Simply put the alias name in the TIB_Connection.Path property, instead
of the full pathname. It works for me and IBO doesn't require any new
functionality to use FB aliases.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (