Subject Mixing IBOxxx and IB_xxx components in same application
Author Pelle F. S. Liljendal
Thanks to Carlos Macao I now know the beauty of the IB_ components,
and these are goint to be the ones using in (non GUI) service.
However in my client application I have to use the IBOxxx components
since these are to be used with DevExpress components (Grids and
Editors). However from time to time these client applications will
have to deal with a lot af data maniplulation (e.g. generating a lot
of new data) and in several places of my program I use
ClientDataSets presenting data (without a provider - as "memory
table") and these are currently being populated from TIBOQuerys.

As of now my client application is written only using the IBO
components. But I can see the idea of usion the IBO components for
generating a lot of records and for populating my "Memory Tables"
(ClientDataSets). Will I be able to also use IB_xxx components in
the same application (without also having to use a IB_connection
beside already using a IBOdatabase - hence endning up with each
client application having to have 2 separate connections).

Perhaps better to ask in another way: Are there a big downside to
let the client application have 2 connections to the database at
once. If 300 users connect to the database using 2 connections each
this will be 600 connections in total (I didn't sleep through all
the Math-classes at school <G>). Will this have a major impact on
the DB-server, or other downsides ?