Subject Re: [IBO] Mixing IBOxxx and IB_xxx components in same application
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:52 AM 2/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks to Carlos Macao I now know the beauty of the IB_ components,
>and these are goint to be the ones using in (non GUI) service.
>However in my client application I have to use the IBOxxx components
>since these are to be used with DevExpress components (Grids and
>Editors). However from time to time these client applications will
>have to deal with a lot af data maniplulation (e.g. generating a lot
>of new data) and in several places of my program I use
>ClientDataSets presenting data (without a provider - as "memory
>table") and these are currently being populated from TIBOQuerys.
>As of now my client application is written only using the IBO
>components. But I can see the idea of usion the IBO components for
>generating a lot of records and for populating my "Memory Tables"
>(ClientDataSets). Will I be able to also use IB_xxx components in
>the same application (without also having to use a IB_connection
>beside already using a IBOdatabase - hence endning up with each
>client application having to have 2 separate connections).

Yes!! TIBODatabase is a TIB_Connection descendant. The TIB_Components are
happy to connect their IB_Connection property to TIBODatabase - just try it!

>Perhaps better to ask in another way: Are there a big downside to
>let the client application have 2 connections to the database at

Why do you want two connections from the same application?

Tip: For hybrid applications, look at the AssignSQLWithSearch method.
