Subject XSQLDA bug
Author ben_daniel81

I was wondering if someone could point me towards more info on the
XSQLDA error and it's workaround in regards to the following post. I
have tried looking in the online forum but could not find any info on
this error.


--- In, "Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)"
<helebor@d...> wrote:
> At 01:46 PM 09-01-02 +0100, Tom Deprez wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I've stumbled across a problem on which I'm already looking 2
days, but I
> >can't find a solution.
> >
> >1) I perform a stored proc in one form and then close the form
> >2) I go to another form and scroll a table and close the form
> >3) Go back to the previous form and then perform the stored proc
again with
> >the same values or even other values
> >
> >I get the following error message:
> >
> >ISC ERROR Code: 335544569
> >
> >Dynamic SQL Error
> >SQL Error code = -804
> >SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of
> >
> >Why does 1) gives no error while 3) gives an error.
> >
> >Anybody an idea?
> Tom,
> this little treasure is from a bug in InterBase. To read about it,
look up "XSQLDA bug" in the online FAQ and also read Jason's article
about it in the News page of the website. You will discover also the
workaround for it...
> :(
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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