Subject RE: [IBO] Re: DMLCache and DMLCacheReceivedItem not fired
Author Thomas Steinmaurer

> Well, re-looking at my code, no, I was not committing (autocommit
> transaction)... but I have to investigate further, since in other
> situations DMLCache seems to work pretty well.
> Anyway, looking at the source I've seen that adding a
> OnDMLCacheAnnounce prevents IBO to perform standard DML change
> notification, while I thought that in the event handler you could ADD
> something to the notification. Removing the Announce event handler has
> made qryTableA change being notified to qryLk1. What I can't make work
> is having qryCustomers_U_TableA notified too. This is a many to many
> relation table, so it's keylink is qryTableA keylink plus qryCustomer
> keylink. So seems that IBO does notify that query in this situation...
> is it right? What can I do to avoid this?

The Survey sample might be useful. FRM_Questions.pas has an example
how the OnDMLCacheReceivedItem event can be customized, dependent
on the TIB_DMLCacheItem.KeyFieldNames property.
