Subject Re: Installation problem with Delphi 7 Personal
Author Christoph <>
Thanks. That worked well.


--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 11:47 AM 25/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >How do I skip them? If I try removing the projects that don't
> >compile eventually it adds ibo40xrt_d7.bpl and errors on it.
> Christoph,
> Let's think about this in a simpler way.
> Any packages with "X" or "W" in their names won't be supported by
> editions of Delphi, because they depend on Borland libraries which
are not
> present in those editions.
> -X- pkgs are TDataset data access
> -W- pkgs are Web stuff
> If you try to build the designtime pkgs (-XDT, -WXDT) then of
course the
> build tries to find the prerequisite runtime skip BOTH
> runtime and designtime pkgs containing X or W.
> 'Skip' means remove them (or just comment them out).
> Helen