Subject Re: [IBO] Installation problem with Delphi 7 Personal
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:47 AM 25/01/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>How do I skip them? If I try removing the projects that don't
>compile eventually it adds ibo40xrt_d7.bpl and errors on it.

Let's think about this in a simpler way.
Any packages with "X" or "W" in their names won't be supported by personal
editions of Delphi, because they depend on Borland libraries which are not
present in those editions.

-X- pkgs are TDataset data access
-W- pkgs are Web stuff

If you try to build the designtime pkgs (-XDT, -WXDT) then of course the
build tries to find the prerequisite runtime skip BOTH the
runtime and designtime pkgs containing X or W.

'Skip' means remove them (or just comment them out).
