Subject Re: [IBO] Problems with "order by" in TIBOTable
Author Maik Wojcieszak

how did you add this query to you TIBOTable ???
I tried witth Where SQL.

To order the Dataset you can set the IndexFieldName = recipient.

I prefer to have full control about the query and use TIBOQuery component
to execute select statements like yours. It's a little work to add all
SQL for update, edit, insert and Delete but it works perfectly and gives
you full control about sort order, filter, keylinks and so on.


On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 11:46:57 +0200, Jan Turner wrote:

>I have a quite strange problem. I have an TIBOTable component and try to do
>a statement like this:
>select * from contacts where status=0 order by recipient
>In my IBExpert this works perfectly. In the TIBOTable it refuses to order
>the received datasets but doesn't give an error message. The CharacterSet of
>my TIBODatabase is ISO8859_1 and the field "recipient" has the charset
>iso8859_1 too and collation DE_DE
>Thanks in Advance
>Jan Turner
> - Ihr Full-Service-Ticketprovider
>Jan Turner
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