Subject RE: [IBO] Lookup problem
Author Malcolm Smith
Thanks Helen. Yes, I'm only using the lookup control when editing data.
I'll check the other options you mentioned when I'm back in the office and
report back.

I'm confused by something in the statement below.

1. "Lookup controls aren't principally designed to provide an editing


2. " understand that a lookup control only becomes "operational" when
the polling dataset is in Edit or Insert mode"

The way I interpret these two statements they seem contradictory. Can you
please explain how the statements differ.


-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2002 20:01
Subject: RE: [IBO] Lookup problem

From this and other threads of yours, it seems worth making the point that
many of the specialised IB data-aware controls provide their "specialised"
behaviour in response to a particular dataset mode. Lookup controls aren't
principally designed to provide an editing interface. Like the
IB_Searchxxxxx controls, they are designed for specific modal response. I
should also check that you understand that a lookup control only becomes
"operational" when the polling dataset is in Edit or Insert mode - just as
a Search control only provides its search-specific characteristics when the
dataset is in search mode.
