Subject Need help with IBOQuery / IBODatabase
Author paulklomp2002
I've just converted a very large application using D6 from BDE to
IBO (Interbase 6). After following ALL of the steps in the
BDEtoIBO conversion help file, I ran into a problem.

The application is an MDI application. On the main MDI form I've
placed an IBODatabase. On a MDI child form I've placed I've
IBOQuerys, Datasources & IBOStoredProc. The IBOQuerys have their
database name linked to the IBODatabase on the main MDI form.

On the MDI child form I've opened up a query in a grid that shows
several records. So far so good!

I have another query on the MDI child form that is opened when you
press a button. The query takes a parameter 'Person_ID' from the
first query and opens that record for editing.

procedure TFrmDoctorEdit.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
with QryPersonEdit do
SQL.Add('Select * from person');
SQL.Add('where person_id = :person_id');
Params.ParamValues['Person_ID'] :=
RequestLive := true;

The first time that it opens, it works fine. But if you select
another record from the first query it still opens the first record.

I've checked the Person_ID and each time it is changing but the
record returned by the query is always the first record.

Any suggestions would be great!

Paul Klomp