Subject Re: [IBO] Compatibility with DevExpress database components
Author Artur Anjos
Yeap, no issues. I use it all the time. I love the combination TIBO plus

Just take care with 'LoadAllRecords' on Quantum Grids. I use to let my users
decide if they want all records or not, so they can understand the problems
in client/server.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)" <helebor@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Compatibility with DevExpress database components

> At 02:25 PM 13-08-02 +0930, you wrote:
> >What are the issues when using devexpress database components with
> >IBObjects to
> >add/edit/delete/browse/select Firebird data?
> I've never heard of any "issues", per se. The DevXpress controls work
> the TIBO* data access components just as they do with the VCL
> components. So far, they don't have any components that support
> TIB_Datasource, but I understand that will change in future.
> The issues, if any, are architectural, insofar as many of those albeit
> excellent controls really don't implement a very suitable GUI for
> client/server clients. You need to be very mean about the data you are
> pulling and pushing back and forth across the wire; whereas many the
> DevXpress controls are designed to make it simpler to present huge
> to users. You need to take great care not to have transactions open for
> long periods; whereas the DevXpress controls are visually complex and use
> a lot of resources when constant refreshing is required.
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)