Subject Re: [IBO] Re: New Help file builds
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 04:11 PM 04-08-02 +0000, you wrote:

> > It's not a file, it's a new section in the help file. Select Contents >
> > Installing IBO4. The helpfile install instructions are the last topic in
> > that section.
>mmmm... I think it *must* be a file, not a topic in the help file!!! How
>can a user imagin that for install instructions... he has to install it
>first? Ok, you can unzip it (with IBO4.cnt file, otherwise you will not
>find the topic) and look for something about help installation, but is
>something you will never think about, if no one tells you. While if you
>find a "readme.txt" in the .zip, you will read it, I suppose :)

Well, you can download the same content as a TI-sheet....

>Yes, I know, but just selecting one IB_Currency on the form and pressing
>F1, does it work you your computer? Here it does not...

Yes - as expected, except - the way I have the helpfile set up in my D6
IDE, if the IBO helpfile is already open, F1 doesn't work for any IBO
comp. If I close the helpfile each time, then the first F1 I do on an IBO
component works (including TIB_Currency).

I will play about a bit more with the help installation and see if I can
come up with a scenario that works properly, regardless of which helpfile
is open. I think the underlying problem is that OpenHelp is buggy and we
all do some workarounds and we end up with all kinds of mixing and matching
in the help system.

One tip I don't have in the current collection of user tips is that, if you
are massaging the various files manually, make sure there is at least one
CR/LF at the end of each file, otherwise the last entry in the file will be
ignored (picked this tip up from Ray Lischner's worthy book, "Developing
Custom Delphi 3 Components").

btw, did you delete all the GID files in your Delphi Help directories? I
found that was necessary to get Delphi to see the IBO help at all...

>I've tried some installation tips I've found in the help file, but without
>success... I will try harder, if you tell me that it works on your computer.

It works on my computer. Delphi 6 Ent. Upgrade pack 2, NT 4 SP 6a, 384 Mb
RAM, IBO 4.2.Hi, same build of IBO4_CompHelp as you have. This was the
first time I had customised the Delphi help in v.6. Of course, it has now
broken all my customised help for D5...c'est la vie! It's not a heartbreak
to me. :-))

Quite frankly, I don't bother much to install 3P helpfiles into
Delphi. With the IBO help, I actually prefer to use the T2H runtime. It
could be worthwhile my putting this up somewhere so others can experiment
with it...the T2H runtime engine is freely distributable and the .T2H
linking file is automatically generated during the build of the helpfile.

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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