Subject | Re: [IBO] Replication Component Example. |
Author | Helen Borrie (TeamIBO) |
Post date | 2002-08-05T03:40:51Z |
At 06:41 AM 05-08-02 +0530, R. S. Patil wrote:
browse the sources and/or compile it for use as a setup tool. If you are a
source code subscriber, you can get the help file from the download
area. If not, you can read the helpfile online (link from the iborpl page).
Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
** Please don't email your support questions privately **
Ask on the list and everyone benefits
Don't forget the IB Objects online FAQ - link from any page at
>Dear Friends,Yes - it is in the main distribution directory as IB_RPL.dpr. You can
>IBO 4.2 ?? provides replication Comps. Is there any exempla or sample
>available ?
browse the sources and/or compile it for use as a setup tool. If you are a
source code subscriber, you can get the help file from the download
area. If not, you can read the helpfile online (link from the iborpl page).
Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
** Please don't email your support questions privately **
Ask on the list and everyone benefits
Don't forget the IB Objects online FAQ - link from any page at