Subject Re: [IBO] Attention Helen - Re: IBO VCL --> CLX
Author Damian Dowling
At 17:16 18/07/2002, you wrote:
>At 18/07/2002 12:59 PM, you wrote:
> >At 16:36 18/07/2002, you wrote:
> > >IBO doesn't have an API.
> >
> >What do you call the IBO functions then?
>Functions! An API(Application Programming Interface), is an interface to
>another application, so you can use functionality of that other application
>in your own. i.e.: GDS32.DLL has an API so that IBO can communicate with
>it. IBO would have an API, if it would be a DLL, COM object or any other
>type of application or external extension.

"An API, is an interface to another application" - True, but GDS32.DLL is
not an application it is a dll (Dynamic Link Library - NOTE: that is
"Library"), and if we include a dll in the definition then Delphi packages
are also included as they are dlls.

Therefore if i link to ibo packages It is used as a dll and the functions
are classed as API - however if i compile the packages into the executable
the ibo packages become libs and the functions are not classed as API. :-)

This of course is becoming silly and i do not want to get into a PC
argument, but i was surprised Helen brought it up - that is all.

> > >In the beta group, there is minimal interest in the GUI side and more
> > >interest in being able to compile the core data access without needing to
> > >use Qt at all. Kylix generates enormous executables. Users appear to be
> > >more interested in using IBO on Linux for developing console
> applications -
> > >web servers and application servers.
> >
> >In other words there are no Visual controls for Kylix nor is there are
> >plans for them - Is this correct?
>Reading Helen's reply. She did state that it wasn't a priority, but never
>mentioned that they will never be created.

My apologies for misinterpreting what you said Helen.

> > > >2. Will it just be a case of including different files?
> > >
> > >Well, yes, you do use a completely different set of *libraries* for CLX -
> > >and there is one set of libraries for Windows and another for Linux.
> >
> >I think you misunderstand me - I would like to know if it will be possible
> >to take my Source code and Form files to Kylix (having avoiding using
> >windows api) and with little work recompile them in Kylix to get a version
> >of the app that will run on Linux using the CLX calls instead of the VCL
> ones.
>The only way to find out is to do it yourself. I don't have IBO for Kylix
>at the moment, so I can't try it myself, even though I do have Kylix
>installed for another project that I'm working on, but IBO is not part of
>the specs.

Even if i had Kylix, with-out the visual controls i cannot test it. I
suppose what i am wondering is if IBO for Kylix will have the same function
calls as IBO for Delphi.


Damian Dowling
IT Manager
Pallas Foods Ltd

Phone: + 353 69 20200
Fax: + 353 69 20201
Email: damian-dowling@...