Subject Re: Cannot edit current row
Author bmckenna6

Thanks for your reply.

> After looking at your SQL statement, I notice that you
> have a join in it. You can't have a RequestLive=True,
> when you have a join in a SELECT statement.
> Put RequestLive=False and enter the InsertSQL, UpdateSQL
> and DeleteSQL yourself, I use IBO's query editor to do them.

I've been using that SQL statement for some time now, but
have never employed a design that could potentially offer
editing of the results.

I come from a general BDE/Paradox desktop app direction, using
mostly table components and limited types of queries.

I have no way to know, at this time, how to employ the general
approach you are suggesting, but I suspect that you are pointing
me in a direction which I must incorporate, if I am to begin
using more complex queries and their result sets.

So, I'm back to the books, etc.

If you have any general comments to further direct my studies,
I'd be grateful.