Subject Re: [IBO] Getting started with Delphi and IBObjects
Author Geoff Worboys
> I do, however, have a lot of MS access (including some VBA)
> experience.

No ones perfect ;-)

> Questions are:
> -Do you recommend to start using Delpi and at the same time learn
> IBObjects? Can it be done by a Delphi beginner?
> -Can I use books like "Mastering Delphi" without getting confused by
> the other Database components, or should I skip these chapters?

IBO comes with a set of TDataset compatible components (TIBOTable,
TIBOQuery etc). TDataset components are the ones that will be
discussed in most books so you probably should not skip those
chapters. Just keep in mind that most books discussing database
components tend to orient around desktop dbms (Paradox, MSAccess etc)
and client/server can be quite different and quite difficult to come
to terms with.

IBO also comes with "native" database components (to which the
various controls supplied attached). These offer much greater
control, flexibility - and confusion :-) However many of the
properties and methods are the same or very similar to the TDataset
based components, which means that experience with "normal" database
components will help.

> -Will it be helpfull to buy the Getting Started Guide? (again for a
> Delphi newbie?

I dont think first-time-Delphi-users are its intended audience, but if
you intend to use IBO it is well recommended whatever your experience

> -Are there any other sources that would help me started?

The following items are Interbase/Firebird/IBO related. There are
huge numbers of Delphi sites around - too many to list here.

IBObjects Related:

- The IBO online help - available where you downloaded IBO.
(Also: )

- The release notes (distributed in the IBO Source as

- FAQ and Tech Sheet information at

- Getting Started Guide:

Interbase/Firebird Related:

- The firebird website:
(see links to "Documentation" and "Novice's Guide").

In particular most people should download and have as reference
the IB6Beta documentation available from:

Other Useful Sites:

- IBPhoenix:

- Claudio Valderrama's resource site:

- Ivan Prenosil's site:

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing