Subject Re: [IBO] Database location and website location
Author Artur Anjos
Hi Charles,

> In production, the web site will be on "machine 1", where the web server
> is, and the DB is on "machine 2" Is it as simple as using UNC naming to
> get the web site reading/writing to/from the DB on "machine 2", or are
> there complications here I'm over looking.

Forget about using the UNC naming and conect to the other machine via it's
ip address. Your conection string should be something like
IpOfMachine2:LocalPathToDataBaseInMachine2. For example:\MyDatabases\MyDatabase.gdb.

> The last thing I want to do is get involved in that data corruption that
> I've read so much about when program A is using a different connection
> string from program B.
This kind of corruption wont happen with Firebird. It was a bug already
fixed in it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Stanley" <charles@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 8:03 PM
Subject: [IBO] Database location and website location

> Hi All,
> I may be in the wrong forum for this question, if so, please point me in
> the right direction.
> Situation:
> I have an existing FB database, with user access powered by IBO 4.x. I'd
> also like to have a web site access the same DB via IBO. Presently, the
> web site is accessing a clone of the DB, residing on the same machine as
> the web server.
> Question:
> In production, the web site will be on "machine 1", where the web server
> is, and the DB is on "machine 2" Is it as simple as using UNC naming to
> get the web site reading/writing to/from the DB on "machine 2", or are
> there complications here I'm over looking.
> The last thing I want to do is get involved in that data corruption that
> I've read so much about when program A is using a different connection
> string from program B.
> For what it's worth, we're using IntraWeb and IBO ( very nice combo by the
> way ) for the web site development, and Delphi for the "regular"
> application development. Any suggestions are gladly welcomed.
> Thanks,
> Charles
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