Subject Re: Error converting german dates
Author rsaegerde

yes, this was the problem, thank you for your fast respond.


--- In IBObjects@y..., "mmenaz" <mmenaz@l...> wrote:
> As far as I remember, the top part of IB_Constanst must NOT be
localized, but someone insists in doing that...
> You must have the top part as the standard one, until you reach the
line with the comment:
> { These may be localized. }
> Check in particular if you have these settings in the file:
> DTEncode_DateDelimit = '/';
> DTEncode_TimeDelimit = ':';
> DTEncode_DateTimeDelimit = ' ';
> DTEncode_DecodeFormat = '%.4u/%.2u/%.2u %.2u:%.2u:%.2u.%.3u0';
> DTEncode_DateTimeFormat = 'YYYY"/"MM"/"DD" "HH":"NN":"SS".0000"';
> DT_DateFormat = 'MM"/"dd"/"yyyy';
> DT_TimeFormat = 'hh":"nn":"ss';
> Regards
> Marco Menardi