Subject | Re: [IBO] Default Values does not work |
Author | Koby Peleg Hen |
Post date | 2002-04-23T08:17:03Z |
Helen Borrie (TeamIBO) wrote:
I trid this option and it does work on the IBODatabase but not on the
I would try to make an upgrade to IBO ver 4Gd....
thank you for your time
Koby Peleg Hen
> At 09:13 AM 15-04-02 +0200, Koby Peleg Hen wrote:Hello Helen Borrie
>>What i am try to say is that the string does get in
>> but the TIboQuery do not use them as a default Values
>> for the field which they ment to be fill in.
>>I am using Dehlhi 5 IBO 4Ga
>>I also think you should know that i made an upgrade from ver 3.6dg
>> which seems to be working fine.
> What happens if you do this in your TIBODatabase.AfterConnect:
> IBODatabase1.DefaultValues.LinkValues[ 'MyTable.MyColumnName' ] := 'This is
> the default';
> This *should* propagate to any datasets that use MyTable.MyColumnName...
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
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I trid this option and it does work on the IBODatabase but not on the
I would try to make an upgrade to IBO ver 4Gd....
thank you for your time
Koby Peleg Hen