Subject [IBO] Re: Problems with TIB_Date component
Author mmenaz
--- In IBObjects@y..., "Paulo Henrique Albanez" <pha@n...> wrote:
> Yes.
> If I:
> - remove the component
> - inform the date
> - change the component by TIB_Edit
> - remove the attribute required of the field
> The error does not occur.

Are you joking? ;) You have to do only one change a time!
you have to
a) remove the attribute required of the field. Insert and then post. Does the error show again? If so, it could be a IB_Date problem, if not it is not.
b) set the attribute required of the field again. Remove the IB_Date component. Since you told that you leave it empty, this will be not a problem. Done that, recompile, insert the record and post. Does the error show again? If yes, it's not a IB_Date problem
Anyway, could you please tell us what is the error message?
Marco Menardi