Subject Re: [IBO] (unknown)
Author Jason Wharton
The closest you will get is to go into insert state with the master and call
PostRetaining and then your detail records will be visible. You will need to
provide the key information for the master record but the rest of the
information will be filled in while still in dssInsert state. If you cancel
then the record on the server will be deleted and you should have ref
integrity do the cleanup of the detail records. If you post the retained
insert it will actually process an UPDATE on the server to finish off the
record. But, to the user they still think they are/were in insert state and
that the record is now inserted.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "slsolutions2002" <strtline@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 11:04 AM
Subject: [IBO] (unknown)

> Hello:
> I have an application that adds a number of support records to a
> support table when a record is inserted into the main table. These
> tables are linked via master/detail. The support records are added
> using a stored procedure and a after insert trigger. All this works
> fine. On my form I have a grid that displays the support records. I
> would like to be able to insert a record into the main table and have
> the ability to immediately see the added support records in the grid
> and edit them as needed before posting the insert. I can't seem to
> make this happen. It appears I have to post the insert before the
> support records are added. This causes me to have to add and post
> the record to the main table then edit the record to make changes to
> the added support records. I would like to do this in one step. Is
> there a way to make this happen ?
> Thanks