Subject tibostoredproc 4.2Fp changed params not used
Author Uwe Cramer

when i use the component and change the input param values via paramsbyname
the output param result for the first call is correct.
but the results from the next calls with changed input param values are the
same as the first call.
when i use one input param GIN for a generator increment count and one
output param GOUT for the generator value.
then i got these results
Application start
1. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 0 // OK
then set GIN to 1
2. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 1
3. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 2
4. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 3
Application stop

Application start
1. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 1 // OK
then set GIN to 0
2. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 2 // should be 1
3. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 3 // should be 1
4. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 4 // should be 1

Thanks Uwe