Subject Re: [IBO] tibostoredproc 4.2Fp changed params not used
Author Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)
At 05:35 PM 06-03-02 +0200, Uwe Cramer wrote:
>when i use the component and change the input param values via paramsbyname
>the output param result for the first call is correct.
>but the results from the next calls with changed input param values are the
>same as the first call.
>when i use one input param GIN for a generator increment count and one
>output param GOUT for the generator value.
>then i got these results
>Application start
>1. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 0 // OK
>then set GIN to 1
>2. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 1
>3. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 2
>4. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 0 // should be 3
>Application stop
>Application start
>1. GIN := 1 / GOUT = 1 // OK
>then set GIN to 0
>2. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 2 // should be 1
>3. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 3 // should be 1
>4. GIN := 0 / GOUT = 4 // should be 1

Your problem is not a problem of IBO params. You cannot use SET GENERATOR
in a stored procedure.

Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)

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