Subject | Re: [IBO] IBO and DevExpress |
Author | Artur Anjos |
Post date | 2002-02-22T22:03:10Z |
Lester, here we go again:
I wrote:
software of any kind. Sometimes I'm not the one to choose the Database.
And you never know about the future.... For 'now' my reality is 100%
Firebird. But I like to try another DB's from time to time, and there's
always some components for Delphi that are TDataset descendants and... You
get the picture.
I wrote:
You wrote:
limits. As I told you I just use them when I need a TDataset descendand -
the grid's case that we have been talking about is one example.
I wrote:
You wrote:
I don't see it as a requirement also. I even don't see it at all! I remember
that Jason wrote about this some months ago, and I liked the idea. Now I
don't like the idea. Jason is just one person, he is doing a terrific job,
and my opinion it's simple: I think Jason should stay with Firebird only
(and the other fork - what's the name... Inter-Something, I don't remember).
I wrote:
You wrote:
grid with that personalization. This is not very Dataset related. You know:
changing display formats, colors, ordering of the columns, and other thinks
that users like to do and we as developers never understand. But I
understand very well that when they are happy, I can buy new clothes for my
Anyway, Grids are very important. I have many customers that don't care
about the speed it they look nice. They are buying, I give them what they
I wrote:
> Personnaly, I'm using always TDataset descendants. (If i need to port myappl to other DB, the work it's
> faster this way). (...)You reply:
> I'm not limited by that. All my customers NOW use Firebird exclusively <g>and we have eliminated their
> other databases. ( I've got one customer left who still has an Accessapplication, which no longer works
> because their IT department up-graded to Access 2000 - They have asked meto do a Firebird version
> rather than fix the Access one! )You are a lucky person. But this is not what I'm talking about. I do
software of any kind. Sometimes I'm not the one to choose the Database.
And you never know about the future.... For 'now' my reality is 100%
Firebird. But I like to try another DB's from time to time, and there's
always some components for Delphi that are TDataset descendants and... You
get the picture.
I wrote:
> Another important parameter in this choice: IBO TDataset descendants arevery good are very powerfull.
You wrote:
> As long as you know the limits - they are excellent.Jason helped a lot with version 4, didn't he? Yes, we have to know the
limits. As I told you I just use them when I need a TDataset descendand -
the grid's case that we have been talking about is one example.
I wrote:
> If IBO could connect to other Databases perhaps I will re-think againabout my choice.
You wrote:
> Presonally I don't see that as a requirement, but what I have seen underthe cover would suggest that
> it's also likely to be difficult. Although SQL is supposed to be'standard' so you never know.
I don't see it as a requirement also. I even don't see it at all! I remember
that Jason wrote about this some months ago, and I liked the idea. Now I
don't like the idea. Jason is just one person, he is doing a terrific job,
and my opinion it's simple: I think Jason should stay with Firebird only
(and the other fork - what's the name... Inter-Something, I don't remember).
I wrote:
> It's a kind of Grid that it's better 'workable' in excel, for example.[Developer Express is quite Good on
> exporting Data - they have methods like Grid.SaveToXls orGrid.SaveToHTML].
You wrote:
> Exporting is certainly an area of interest, but I don't see a need to doit from the grid. That said,
> I just export the dataset connected to the grid.My users like to personalize the grid by themselfs, and export/print the
grid with that personalization. This is not very Dataset related. You know:
changing display formats, colors, ordering of the columns, and other thinks
that users like to do and we as developers never understand. But I
understand very well that when they are happy, I can buy new clothes for my
Anyway, Grids are very important. I have many customers that don't care
about the speed it they look nice. They are buying, I give them what they