Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with a create database script
Author Heri
> >My problem is: My script to create and populate a new DB runs fine in WISQL, but executed by TIB_Script there is a problem with this statement:
> >
> >execute procedure NewKoerperschaftKategorie 'OpenSource Team';
> [snip]
> >IBO 4.2.Fr / WISQL 5.5 / D5 Pro
> I think possibly your problem has to do with not understanding what a script is for...
> WISQL is a graphical interface to the command-line program isql.exe for versions of InterBase lower than IB 6. "isql" is a mnemonic for "interactive sql" - it's a tool for for querying the database interactively.

Does this mean WISQL provides programmatically (automatically) a placeholder to return the result which ISQL or IB_Script does not provide?

> TIB_Script encapsulates the way isql handles a script and the commands that you could enter into isql in an interactive session, nothing more. For a really simple example of using a TIB_Script, take a look at the first tutorial in the IBO /Tutorials folder. There, Jason's code checks to see whether the database file exists and, if not, it runs a script to create it and populate it with a little data.

I even have copied thies code to my application. The only difference is that I used this above stored proc to insert into the lookup table which has a return value.

I will try the solution Geoff gave me in the other answer.

