Subject R: [IBO] DML Caching and TIBOxxx objects ?
Author Enrico Raviglione
If "standard IBO" DML Caching are not aviable, what is the best metod for
make syncronization between 2 or more user or between 2 different
transaction in the same application with TIBOxxx?

I have see how DML Caching work in IBO source code, then i think the problem
for aplly this on TDataSet are the buffer refresh, this is right?

Enrico Raviglione.

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Geoff Worboys (TeamIBO) [mailto:geoff@...]
Inviato: domenica 3 febbraio 2002 2.13
A: Enrico Raviglione
Oggetto: Re: [IBO] DML Caching and TIBOxxx objects ?

> i have see DML Caching in the example "Survey Application".
> Can i use this syncronization with TIBOTable and TIBOQuery ?


While you could try to set the dml properties on the InternalDataset
and see what happens, AFAIK the interactions between the internal
dataset and the TDataset stuff is not able to support this

Geoff Worboys - TeamIBO
Telesis Computing

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