Subject 4.2f ibotable master/detail insert and dbnavigator edit button
Author intellekta
i have two questions about ibotables.
i use them in a 1:n master detail configuration with borland
datasource,dbgrid, dbnavigator and tmsAdvDBedit components.

insert edit delete in master and detail etc works fine except these
two things.

i have disabled the insert button for the detail dbnavigator and
give the user one special button with some code to insert new
but the edit button in dbnavigator acts also like the insert button
when the detail is empty and it inserts a new record.
how can i change this ?

when i insert the FIRST record in the empty detail and post it, all
data from the filled fields are lost
all fields except the key and (reference field to the master table)
are empty.
when i edit this record, fill out the fields a second time, and save
them, all is fine.
when i then insert more detail records all filled fields are saved
with the first post.