Subject lookup field, dbgrid and request live...
Author duilio_fos <>
I use IB3, D3 and FB1.0

It is not clear to me if and how I can have a lookup column in a
dbgrid and still keep the ability to modify records.

I want a TDBGrid (standard Delphi 3 component) like this:

----ColA-------- -------ColB--------- ------ColC----------
1 One 1000
2 Two 1.2
5 Five 0

where ColA and ColC are columns of Table1 and ColA and ColB are
columns of Table2.

The dbgrid is attached to a TIBOQuery.

If I write

select a.ACol,b.ColB,a.ColC from table1 a, table2 b where ...

in IBOQuery1.SQL, I lose the ability to modify data in the dbgrid.

However the problem is so common that a solution must have been found
(I hope).


Duilio Foschi