Subject Re: [IBO] need a simple IB_TreeView
Author Cagatay Tengiz
I've developed a simple one based on TTreeview. I am planning to make it a
part of IB_Components, but it is still in alpha state. But I am using it in
my programs. If you would like to try it send me a private message, I can
send you codes with a sample project.

Cagatay Tengiz.

----- Original Message -----
From: Marco Menardi <mmenaz@...>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 3:04 PM
Subject: [IBO] need a simple IB_TreeView

Hi, I would like to use a simple IB_TreeView in my application. I've
seen the IB_TreeView that someone have build for IBO, but it relies
upon Virtual Tree control that is too powerfull (and biggggg) to be
included in my program.
Is there anybody that has developed a simple one?
thanks in advance
Marco Menardi

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