Subject | Re: XP Painting bug? |
Author | paultansit <> |
Post date | 2002-12-14T05:20:07Z |
I played around with this and found it has nothing to do with IBO.
It is entirely a bug with WindowsXP/Delphi.
It is entirely a bug with WindowsXP/Delphi.
--- In, "paultansit" <paul@t...> wrote:
> I am experiencing a minor painting bug with XP.
> When a transaction begins, IB controls change depending on the
> state. When the transaction is committed or rolled back, the
> go back to normal. The problem is that with XP the border of the
> controls remain colored. They go back normal again when the mouse
> passed over them.
> Anyone else seen this?
> Thanks,
> Paul