Subject RE: [IBO] Re: Selecting multiple rows in TIB_Grid
> --- In IBObjects@y..., Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> >
> > Standard Windows behaviour - click on any row outside the selected
> region.
> This DOES NOT work as expected.
> I had to use the following (suggested) code:
> if (AButton = mbLeft) and not ((ssShift in AShift) or (ssCtrl in
> AShift)) then
> ((Sender as TIB_Grid).DataSource.Dataset as
> TIB_Query).SelectAll(False);
> But I do think that the control should have "native" windows feel as
> standard behaviour... what do you think? My users are disoriented...
> and adding that code to every grid is time-consuming / error prone...
> regards

I had the same problem and my users where also very confused. The solution
at last was to substitute the grid. :(
