Subject | Search Mode |
Author | Leandro T. de Oliveira |
Post date | 2002-10-12T04:11:52Z |
When i commit the transaction (IB_Transaction1.Commit) the dataset
(IB_Query) it is going to the state dssSearch automatically (because it was
in that way before the edit mode). Does exist the possibility of the dataset
to enter in the way dssPrepared automatically?
I thank all that help,
Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
Presidente Prudente - SP
Icq: 51495776
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
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Version: 6.0.393 / Virus Database: 223 - Release Date: 01/10/2002
(IB_Query) it is going to the state dssSearch automatically (because it was
in that way before the edit mode). Does exist the possibility of the dataset
to enter in the way dssPrepared automatically?
I thank all that help,
Leandro Timóteo de Oliveira
Presidente Prudente - SP
Icq: 51495776
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.393 / Virus Database: 223 - Release Date: 01/10/2002