Subject Re: [IBO] getting started
Author ed graff
"Helen Borrie (TeamIBO)" <helebor@...> wrote in message
> At 10:34 PM 22-01-02 -0600, ed graff wrote:
> >any one here want to help a newcomer to get this ibo running
> For money and expenses paid, I will. :))
> How to get the ball rolling for list support is to get yourself going on
the tutorial samples and see what's going on. Then try it out for yourself.

This is the problem i have delphi ver 3 standard and when i try the demos
none of them work
ie: tutorial #1 database unavailable;
tutorial #2 database unavailable; when i have ibserver running i get cannot
attach password to database;
tutaorial #3 cannot attach paswword to database;

any help on this is and would be appreciated,


> When you get stuck, send a message to the list describing the problem and
asking any questions you need immediate answers to.
> It works.
> You could get a copy of the GSG, too...
> regards,
> Helen Borrie (TeamIBO Support)
> ** Please don't email your support questions privately **
> Ask on the list and everyone benefits
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