Subject HELP! IncSearch! HELP! PLEASE...
Author mircostange
Sorry to bother the group again, but I still didn't have feedback on
my question below, but I really desperately need help there. I am
running out of options what else to try and am really locked.


--- In IBObjects@y..., "mircostange" <mirco@i...> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> another try to get some help...
> I have severe problems with the incremental searching. Here are
> parts of the dfm file in a test application:
> object IB_Connection1: TIB_Connection
> SQLDialect = 3
> Params.Strings = (
> 'PATH=U:\ITEC\Projects\ProPX\test\data\PROPX.GDB'
> Left = 24
> Top = 24
> end
> Nothing unusual about the connection object.
> object IB_Query1: TIB_Query
> DatabaseName = 'U:\ITEC\Projects\ProPX\test\data\PROPX.GDB'
> IB_Connection = IB_Connection1
> SQL.Strings = (
> 'SELECT *'
> ColorScheme = False
> MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
> msfSearchAppliesToMasterOnly]
> OrderingItemNo = 3
> OrderingItems.Strings = (
> OrderingLinks.Strings = (
> 'NAME=3'
> 'COLOR=4'
> SearchingLinks.Strings = (
> BufferSynchroFlags = []
> FetchWholeRows = True
> Left = 64
> Top = 24
> end
> The query is pretty simple, its ordering and searching links are
> defined (through the "load defaults" option). Ordering is set to be
> based on the "NAME" field.
> object IB_DataSource1: TIB_DataSource
> Dataset = IB_Query1
> Left = 104
> Top = 24
> end
> Datasource, not much to say here.
> object IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid
> Left = 0
> Top = 33
> Width = 294
> Height = 260
> CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
> DataSource = IB_DataSource1
> Align = alClient
> TabOrder = 0
> end
> Grid, nothing to say here as well.
> object IB_IncSearch1: TIB_IncSearch
> Left = 16
> Top = 4
> Width = 209
> Height = 21
> DataSource = IB_DataSource1
> ReceiveFocus = False
> SearchKeyByKey = True
> TabOrder = 0
> end
> And search edit. Not much you can do wrong.
> I think I followed all the instructions in the GSG and the result
> looks pretty much like what I expect.
> However, running the application against my db with 530 items
> in the following strange behaviour:
> (a) type "I" => item "IG/L Chain" is selected [ok]
> (b) type "g" => item "IG/L Chain" remains selected, which is strange
> because inc search should be case sensitive and there is an
> item "IgA" below.
> (c) type "A" => item "IgA" is selected [ok again]
> (d) clear selection and type in "Y" => nothing happens, althogh
> there is an item "Yeast"
> (e) clear the selection and type "Hema" => selection jumps on
> "HDL" although there is an item "Hematokrit"
> (d) type backspace => selection jumps on "Hematokrit" [ok again]
> PLEASE, does anyone have an idea what is wrong here?
> Mirco