Subject Re: [IBO] Rights problem
Author Don Gollahon
I'll try your suggestions. I'm still learning all the capabilities of IBO.
I am already amazed at how little coding I have had to do to get the
features I want! And I'm just brushing the surface of IBO.

As far as the breakpoints, I've already done that and it happens on the
close of the table. I'll turn on the monitoring and see if that shows more
of what is happening.

"Geoff Worboys (TeamIBO)" <geoff@...> wrote in message
> Hi Don,
> My first reaction is to ask why you are doing this in code. Instead
> use OrderingItems, OrderingLinks and OrderingItemNo. (You can find
> explanations for these properties in the online help under TIB_Query -
> the properties exist under TIBOQuey as well but there is not
> explanation in the online help under that heading.)
> The basic concept for these properties is fairly easy, simply setup
> the supported sort orders in OrderingItems and OrderingLinks and then
> alter the ordering simply by setting OrderingItemNo as desired.
> IBO even makes it easy to load the available list of ordering item
> descriptions using something like...
> IB_Dataset.GetOrderingItemsList( AStringList );
> Now to the actual problem...
> I dont know :-) Perhaps if you run IB_Monitor while this takes place
> we can see exactly what is being inserted. You may also want to try
> putting a breakpoint in your code and stepping through to see where
> the insert is happening.
> --
> Geoff Worboys - TeamIBO
> Telesis Computing
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> without the need for BDE, ODBC or any other layer.
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