Subject TIBO x TIB_
Author Paulo Henrique Albanez
I think in the TIBO's Next Version, there should not be TIBO and TIB_.

TIB_ should be derivatives of the class TDataSet, uniting definitively the best of the two worlds.

I do not be saying to finish with the components TIB_, they are excellent, they would continue to have their advantages, only that now would work with TIB_, derivative of the TDataSet.

I know that it is difficult, but at long time, would make the maintenance at IBO more simple.

Many people who I know do not use IBO because it is not compatible with TDataSet.

I think it would open a world new for IBO.

Today we stay in a dilemma:
- we use the all power of IBO and lose the compatibility
- we stay with the compatibility and lose the components TIB_.

I want both, and I think many as well.

Today I use TIB_ whenever possible.

Apologize my English.

Nova Odessa / SP - Brazil

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