Subject Re: [IBO] Suggestion for Team IBO
Author Artur Anjos

> * I am not entirely sure about the selection process. Does anyone know
> how the TeamB etc members are chosen?

We didn't talk already about selection... The initial proposal. Perahaps Jason? I don't know about TeamB process also....

> * The process of nomination, voting and then acceptance or rejection
> opens the possibility of offending people.

Yeap. You're rigth on this.

> * I suggest that 'TeamIBO' should not be associated with any form of
> physical/monetary reward - the existing Trustware concept is
> sufficient to reward significant contributors. IMO anything more again
> opens the doors to possible dissent within the group.

I have the idea also that money should be another subject.

> I do appreciate the compliment of being one of the people nominated in
> this discussion but it is a bit like the people you see accepting
> Oscars and other awards, trying to thank everyone by name, and
> sweating in case they have missed someone and so offended them :-)

We all appreciate your work every day.

> If you proceed with this I would of course wear the 'TeamIBO' badge
> with pride. I just dont feel that it is necessary and I worry about
> the impacts of a too formal mechanism on the group dynamics. For this
> reason I am reluctant to support changes that could result in changing
> the nature of this group.

I think there will be no changes on the nature, and this will be something that we all want to do: see the badge in your shirt. ;)


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