Subject Jason get Helen to reel her neck in!! Or lose $90 000!!!
Author delphiman
if you are not bothering to keep the list emails for reference

Helen you are NOT doing Jason's excellent efforts and (what appears to be) an excellent development any good with this kind of snide remark. I have previously choked you BOTH off for your antagonistic and supersillous attitude in seperate e-mail and do not hesitate to do it again now - ON THIS LIST.

I am 62 - have been in IT for 36 years - and have EMPLOYED people like you in the past. THEY didn't DARE to talk to me like this - and neither will YOU!!

Your non-existant "sales attitude" needs to be adjusted to the fact that whilst "the customer is NOT necessaraly always right" one does not HAVE 'wrong customers'. They become SOMEONE ELSE'S.

This after having ALREADY indicated that I do not feel that Jason's "licensing fee" is adequate reward for his efforts - on moral grounds alone. That I will be (?) building in a 5% cost factor for each and every licensed user of my developments - for onward transmission to Jason's bank account. If you'd like to do some sums consider that 5% on (R3 000 X 1200) = A$180 000 (or USA$90 000) from which I suggest you re-appraise what your attitude will be towards me henceforth.

Since you appear to imbibe in the insane practise of "speed-reading" - thereby missing IMPORTANT details (in what you apparently beleive is "unneccessarily long-winded e-mail") I repeat for you AGAIN.
As a Delphi lecturer I have the influence to almost "compel" up to 12 students at a time to use IBO. Which is (was?) my intention.
I am poised to release AT LEAST ONE development of mine through my website to AT LEAST 1200 customers in and around Australia ALONE. (See above arithmetic.) Without even mentioning a development for the entire aviation Industry (including Boeing in Seattle and British AeroSpace (Concorde)) - World Wide!!! For which I need the (apparent) benefits to be had from IBO!!!

Working!!! NOW!!!!!!!

And since you appear to be too insensitive to notice it - I remind you AGAIN that I have struggled and persevered with IBO. Losing TWO WEEKS in the process - merely to get it INSTALLED. TOTALLY because of BUM "HowToInstall.txt" instructions (which I understand YOU wrote) and an installation kit (as prepared by Jason) that COULD NOT work for Delphi4 Professional.

And then having FINALLY got IBO installed - I am confronted with the insane idea of having "Getting Started Guide " someplace OTHER than where it OBVIOUSELY BELONGS. Being IBO.hlp.

As it is I and my team don't have the time to waste on a long "learning-curve" - involving a lot of reading and studying stuff that is ultimately going to be useless to us anyway. And under the circumstances I believe it to be a good idea for BOTH of you to solve my problems "as-and-when" I hit them.

WITHOUT chirp of this nature.

Indeed I believe you would be well-advised to

Apologise to me - ON THIS LIST.

URGENTLY send me the this wretched "Getting Started Guide " FIFTHwith - for which I REFUSE to pay anything. IBO having already wasted enough of my time - which exceeded $25 whatever LONG ago!! And may God help you if it is of the same poor quality as the garbage in the "HowToInstall.txt".

And DON'T push your luck with me ANY further Helen!

Mobile: (Australia) 0407-007-159
Phone: ( Australia (02) 6041-1036)
ICQ 63345769

----- Original Message -----
From: Helen Borrie
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Your user name and password wha wha wha...

At 07:26 AM 13-09-01 +0100, Terry Theunissen wrote:
> > However when I create my own model (as identical as possible - except for DataBase details) being VERY careful to copy the Objects to have the identical Properties as far as possible - I get a (now my favourite) Error 335544472 "Your user name and password are not defined wha wha wha." ..... And I am expected to ask some mysterious "administrator" to wave his/her magic wand ... or something. To make it all better.

Lester Caine wrote:

>The development environment in IBO4 is design to prevent the
>password being saved within the program - as this was a
>complaint in IBO3 - it was in plain text!
>There is an option to change this action so that it is saved
>with a key determined either locally or globally depending
>on what you want.
>I suspect that you are seein this because the password need
>to be entered again - hence my suggestion to use the logon
>prompt in the first instance.
>( I can't tell you which property because I still have 4.2E
>on the production machine, and the mods to this came later -
>notes say 'PasswordStorage' on 4.2Ea )

As noted in response to one of your previous posts, you need to consider the PasswordStorage property. TIB_Connection defaults to psNone - meaning you must activate the LoginPrompt property and enter the user name and password into the login dialog.

In your sample project, I set your IB_Connection's PasswordStorage property to psNotSecure, which causes the password to be saved in the DFM file of your data module with light encryption (OK for development, not recommended for deployment). That's why you were successful in running that project without entering a password.

There are two intermediate settings - psKeyFromMachineReg and psKeyFromUserReg - which both cause the password to be stored in Registry keys.

btw, if you are not bothering to keep the list emails for reference, you can review the list traffic through a threaded newsgroup interface at news:// That will also be a source of answers to many of your questions. Also, please make use of the FAQ pages on the web site.


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