Subject Re: [IBO] EIB_Statement Error Fieldname not found
I am getting a similar message in an application I am currently
working on. The only difference is no field is identified. So my
message reads 'Fieldname: Not found'.

I am also having another problem where I cannot scroll the dataset.
I have three tables (Client, Invoice, Items) in a
Master,detail,detail configuration. The Client and Invoices are
working fine, but the items table being displayed in a grid will not
let me post a record without the above Fieldname error and will not
allow me to scroll the dataset.

Any help would be apreciated.

--- In IBObjects@y..., "Geoff Worboys" <geoff@t...> wrote:
> > Query.FieldByName('USEREDIT').AsBoolean := TRUE;
> >
> > When I try to add a record I receive an exception
> > class EIB_StatementError with message Fieldname
> > USEREDIT not found. Process stopped. Use step
> > or run to continue.
> >
> > I have tried different variations of this line of
> > code but cannot seem to get it right. What is
> > wrong with this syntax?
> Does Query actually return the UserEdit field? What is the SQL of
> query?
> Are you using a dialect 3 database? If so what is the actual DDL
> the table? For example; If the field was declared with the name
> "UserEdit" (including the double quotes in the DDL) then your syntax
> should be...
> Query.FieldByName('"UserEdit"').AsBoolean := TRUE;
> Notice the double quotes inside the single quotes - required when a
> dialect 3 field was declared using double quotes making the field
> case sensitive.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing