Subject Odp: [IBO] SearchPanel Problem with Same Field Name
Author Yagi
Hi Jeff,

I have the same problem (see previous messages). Jason put this on his bug


----- Wiadomosc oryginalna -----
Od: "Jeff Clement" <jeff@...>
Do: <>
Wyslano: 28 maja 2001 14:08
Temat: [IBO] SearchPanel Problem with Same Field Name

> Hi there,
> I have a problem with the SearchPanel in IBO which concerns
> having two field names with the same name, but from different
> tables using a join.
> ie.
> SELECT table1.code, table2.code
> FROM table1
> The SearchPanel displays the two field labels correctly, but the two
> edit boxes would be both related to table1.code.
> I would have rathered use aliases in my select statement but I get
> an error when I try to post my search. So instead I tried using the
> full field name (as above) and I have the problem with the edit
> boxes in the SearchPanel both relating to the first field which share
> the same field name, but the field labels which I configured to
> display different names display correctly.
> Can anyone offer any suggestions? Am I going about my problem
> the wrong way?
> I hope soneone can help.
> Thanks,
> Jeff.
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