Subject Re: [IBO] modifications of hints in ibobars are reset
Author Andreas Pohl
If there are assigned TIB_Query.Hints IBxxxBar.Hints are overwritten.

BTW, are you aware of German translation of IB_Constants?

Mit freundlichem Gruss & Best Regards

Andreas Pohl
----- Original Message -----
From: "Markus Ohlenroth" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 11:31 AM
Subject: [IBO] modifications of hints in ibobars are reset

> hello,
> I customize the hint properties of TIB_Bars like a component of type
> tib_connectionbar:
> ib_ConnectionBar.Buttons[cbDisconnect].Hint := 'This button has a
> customized hint message'
> The above assgnment takes place when the form is created.
> The customized buttons display their hint messages as expected
> Yet, when I have opened the table all customized hints are reset again to
> their default values.
> Is this expected behaviour and if so what must I do to keep the customized
> hints??
> Thank you
> Markus
> __________________________________________________
> Dr. Markus Ohlenroth
> EDV-Beratung Phil I/II
> Universitaet Augsburg
> Unversitaetsstr. 10
> 86159 Augsburg
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